
 Hello $$FIRSTNAME$$,

mychillybin photographers' news
  health / illness winner

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september / october health & illness winner
Popular subject again, generating a wide range of interpretations.  29 accepted for the library.  See them all at this link, or by searching for 'llness health' with editorial selected.

A short list of 5 great images was initially generated, and this then reduced by removing #103792_55 (lighting) and #100093_2959 (background and colour saturation) to the following 3 images. 

The use of the nicely blurred background child gives this image of a thermometer its additional emotional power - who does not care when a child is sick?  The thermometer is sharp and clear (and equally hard to read here as in real life).   We found cropping the image on the left and a touch on the bottom and right gives it a touch more balanced feel - probably because the child and the thermometer ended up closer to thirds' rule composition lines.

The colour, distraction free composition and lighting are superb.  The morphine label generates emotional repsponse, being a drug used in serious pain situations.  Simple, clear, and powerful.

The power of blood, even in small quantities, to generate an emotional reaction is well known, and here it is emphasised by showing it on a human hand.  In this effective image the composition and the colour firmly draw the eye to the blood.  Clarity is superb.  Being very fussy - we find the colour and pattern of the background grab a bit too much attention, and lock the image into a specific furniture era which may limit its usefulness for those not up to the clear cutting process.

So the money this month goes to the morphine. 
Well done
Karen Williamson (fatsprat).  $150 going into your bank tonight.  

Thanks to all other mentioned and unmentioned images and entrants too - lots of good stock images here so hope your images sell in the new year.  This newsletter will be posted in the forums, in case you would like to discuss or commend any other images as well.

bokeh nov 2013 - closed
The Bokeh competition has closed, and will be judged shortly.  Ironically perhaps, an injury in one chilly household late last night, with a heater toppling and cutting the flesh and breaking an adults grand toe bone, that has required an operation today - has delayed this process.

dec 2013- competition

No competition will run in December, as most people seem to be extra busy.  The chillys' wiIl announce the January 2014 subject later this month.  If you would like to suggest a subject please post the idea on the forum set up for January 2014 subject suggestions.

Go well.

cheers for now
the mychillybin team   fresh NZ images. one-off low costs

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